Promax Rapid Industrial Flat Black
It is used as finish on all kinds of metal, wood, iron constructions, agricultural machines and their equipment, industrial, factory equipment indoor and outdoor.
It is an alkyd resin based, and air-dried air-dried flat finish. It adheres well to application surfaces. It is elastic and impact-resistant providing solid and smooth surfaces. The film features formed on surface are maintained for years. It has perfect opacity.
Appearance: flat, black finish
Chemical Structure: Short greasy alkyd, solvent combination
Viscosity: 85KU–90 KU at 25°C
Thinner: Kardelen Cellulosic Thinner
Solid Matter Quantity: 55%-60%
Thickness: 10 micron
Drying period: Dust keeping period 10-15 min., drying period to touch 25-30 min., solid drying period: 15 hours, full drying 24 hours
Application surfaces should be cleared from any kind of contamination such as grease, rust and swollen remnants. It can be applied by spraying, dipping or with brush.
Prepared by thinning with Kardelen cellulosic thinner at a ratio of 10-20%.
Depending on absorption properties of the surface, with 1 kg Promax Rapid Industrial Mat Black, 10-12 m2 area can be painted.
Storable for 2 years in cool and dry places away from direct sunlight between -5 and +30 °C with the lid tightly closed. Avoid freezing.
18 kg, 3 kg, 1 kg tin
Flat Black