Contact Primer (tile on tile adhering Primer)
It is used to provide adherence for applications on ceramic tile, granite tile, terracotta and similar coating materials.
It is an acrylic emulsion polymer-based, elastic ceramic Primer with a high performance providing application on heat insulation panels, gypsum boards, and gypsum block surfaces. It is safe to use in kitchens and bathrooms due to its high moisture resistance. It can be applied on previously painted or ceramic surfaces.
Appearance: Transparent viscose filling
Chemical Structure: Acrylic copolymer emulsion and plasticizer combination
Density: 1,25 gr/cm3
Viscosity: 125 KU -130 KU at 25°C
Thinner: Water
Ph: 8-9
Solid matter quantity: 50%–55%
Recommended Application: 2 coats
Drying period: under 20°C, full drying period is max. 24 hours, waiting time between the coats is 2-3 hours. Full stiffening period is 8-15 days.
Application surfaces should be clean, smooth and durable. Any extra layers on the surface such as loose plaster, oil, paint, varnish should be cleaned, and dust should be removed. It should be thoroughly mixed before use for a high spreadability. The Contact Primer should be applied as a single coat to the tile surface with a brush or roll. Mortar should be placed both on the application surface and behind the tile.
For good adhesion on wall applications, air should be released by applying force with a piece of rubber or hammer. Ambient temperature should be between 5°C and 35°C. It should not be applied on surfaces that are frozen, melted or bearing the risk of freezing within 24 hours. It should not be applied under direct sunlight, strong wind or hot surfaces. During the application, attention should be paid not to form a film on the surface, if a film is formed then that part should be re-dredged.
Not applied on metal surfaces, constantly wet interior or exterior surfaces, constantly wet indoors and outdoors such as pools, nor defected surfaces. Foreign materials should not be added. Maximum working period is 30 minutes. Maximum correcting period is 20 minutes. It should be applied with a roll in 2 layers with 1-4 mm thickness.
The maximum coverage area is 120 cm2, and the maximum height is 6 m.
Storable for 1 years in cool and dry places away from direct sunlight between -5 and +30 °C with the lid tightly closed. Avoid freezing.